About Us

about us

Develop Your Path to Greatness

At Millrow Productions, our business is helping you follow your passion. Our focus is finding areas where you could be successful and then helping you develop the path to get there.

The company began as an investment company, however quickly pivoted to have a humanitarian focus.

The name Millrow originated from the idea that it can get lonely at the top when success and wealth is achieved. The idea was instead to create a “row of millionaires” who could share the joy and experiences and lessons learned with others.   




What we offer

We offer a variety of professional services that help you achieve your business goals. Do you need one-on-one mentoring to take your career to the next level? We’ve got that. Do you have a great idea to build a sustainable city but can’t find the capital? We are here to help you.


How we can help

We can work with AI algorithms to identify and monetize your passion.


Vision for sustainability

Once you have your business up and running, we can help you identify and mentor another up and coming entrepreneur.